1. Wiesbaden

Reger in the year of his military service. – Max-Reger-Institut, Karlsruhe.
Reger in the year of his military service. – Max-Reger-Institut, Karlsruhe.

Karl Straube premieres the Organ Suite in E minor, Op. 16, in Berlin in March. Reger is described by the critics as a “social democrat among the current composers”, preaching the overthrow (see letter of 11 April to Adalbert Lindner). In July Richard Strauss recommends “Reger (organ and piano composer, very capable) as a skilful arranger”1 to his publisher Jos. Aibl in Munich. Highly in debt and in poor health due to an ulcer on his neck (possibly a ray fungus proliferation/actinomycosis), requiring two operations, Reger is released from military service on 1 October as a reserve. Various piano works remain unprinted at Augener's and only appear years later.

Postcard of 17 July 1897 to Eugen Spitzweg, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, Spitzwegiana I (Strauss, Richard, Nr. 11).

Postal items from this year whose sender or addressee is Max Reger.

Images from the Max Reger Foto Gallery that originate from this year and have a direct reference to Max Reger.


Max Reger Biography – 1897, in: Max-Reger-Portal, www.maxreger.info/biography/1897, Max Reger Biography Data, V. 3.2.0-beta-1-gc889361, last check: 19th January 2025.